A opět něco o kupírování a výstavách

From: Jana Halasova <halasova@eurosat.cz>
To: <datlik@rtw.cz>
Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2001 7:00 PM
Subject: [Fwd: Re: AW: Query]]

Po dohode s panem Prikrylem jsem minuly tyden znovu psala na ADRK panu Herrmannovi a ptala jsem se ho, jak bude rozhodci ADRK (pokud bude pozvan do CR na posuzovani) posuzovat treba pristi rok v kvetnu rottweilera s useklym ocaskem. Vcera mi p. Herrmann odpovedel toto 
(nasleduje preklad - nize je i original teto odpovedi):
Odpoved je jasna pro ty psi, kteri byly narozeni pred polovinou r. 2000.Ti jsou posuzovani jako obycejne. Potom  byl (FCI) standard zmenen a rekl, ze ocas je prirozene tvarovany.Souhlasili jsme, ze rekneme, ze je to OK, abychom dali vsem chovatelum nejaky cas zvyknout si na novou situaci, tak nejpozdeji od 1. ledna 2001by vsichni o tom meli mit zpravu.
Rozhodci ADRK budou jiste brat v uvahu, ze v jinych zemich je situace obtizna. Proto nebudou umistovat pristrihnute psi na posledni stupne. Ale je jim receno, aby vysvetlili (objasnili) co rika standard, a aby se pozvolna pohybovali k posuzovani zpusobem , ze davaji prednost nepristrihnutym psum. Nemohu presne rici, jak se bude specialni rozhodci chovat, ale to bylo rozhodnuti posledni schuze rozhodcich.

Omlouvam se za trochu otrocky preklad, doufam, ze je to k pochopeni.
S pozdravem

 Jana Halasova

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: AW: Query
Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2001 17:23:12 +0200
From: ADRK-EV@t-online.de (ADRK e.V.)
To: "Jana Halasova" <halasova@eurosat.cz>

Dear Mrs. Halasova,

Thanks for your question.

The answer is clear for those dogs which were born before middle of  2000. They are judged as usual. Then the (FCI) standard was changed and said the tail is naturally shaped.We agreed to say it´s ok to give all breeders some time to get used to the new situation, so at latest from 1st of January 2001 on everybody should have heard from this. The ADRK judges will surely consider that the situation is difficult in other countries. Therefore they will not put docked dogs on the last ranks.But they are told to make clear what the standard says and to move gradually in judging in the way to prefer undocked dogs.
I can not say exactly how a special judge would behave, but that was the resolution of the last judge meeting.
Best regards

Dr. Manfred Herrmann
Allgemeiner Deutscher Rottweiler-Klub (ADRK) e.V. Suedring 18 D-32429 Minden Tel.: +49 571 504040, Fax: +49 571 5040444
Internet: http://www.ADRK.de

 -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
 Von: Jana Halasova [mailto:halasova@eurosat.cz]
 Gesendet: Freitag, 26. Oktober 2001 13:00
 An: ADRK-EV@t-online.de
 Betreff: Query

 Dear Mr. Herrmann,

I am sory to trouble you again but we have got still some equivocalness and because of this I would like to ask you today  if you could write us how will a  judge of ADRK judge a rottweiler with cropped tail if he would be invited for example next year in May to Czech republic for judging.
Let me thank you for your kind reply in advance and have a nice day.

 With my best regards
 Jana Halasova


Zpracovala: Jana Kovaříková