Worldchampionship of RTW - IPO3
26. - 27. 8. 2000,  Diest - Belgium

our representation: 

from left: Karel Picha & Ax od Mutenickeho jezu, Prochazka   Hynek & Andy Gerix and Dagmar Macku & Valmont Bohemia  Ortles here with chairman of RTW club MVDr. Pavel Schanilec and with leader of action  Ing. Ivo Prikryl

31. 8. 2000, 2:15 a.m. - a few of looks to backstage

another photos of aur representation, pictures from publication of results and something from world rtw show from camera of rottweiler clubs chairman MVDr. Pavel Schanilec:

the scripts of results documents

the publication of worldchampionship's results in Belgium

31. 8. 2000 - 12:01 p.m. here find you another pictures from the events: 
Dagmar Macku and Valmont Bohemia Ortles - obedience
Dagmar Macku and Valmont Bohemia Ortles - defense

Hynek Prochazka and Andy Gerix - obedience
Hynek Prochazka a Andy Gerix - defense

26. 8. 2000, 7:45 a.m. - positioning of our representants on worldchampionship 2000 in Belgium

26. 8. 2000, 1:25 a.m.  Hynek Prochazka - obedience 85 points, defense 96 points.

26. 8. 2000, 11:09 p.m. Karel Picha - tracking 75 points, Dagmar Macku - defense 0 points, obedience 84 points

25. 8. 2000, 12:08 p.m. - we know first results of worldchampionship - mr. Picha obedience 82 points, mr.  Prochazka trecking 80 points

25. 8. 2000, 6:22 a.m. - today was beginnen event
Karel Picha and Ax od Mutenickeho jezu - obedience
Karel Picha and Ax od Mutenickeho jezu - defense

24. 8. - 8:17 a.m. - pictures from training on stadium

24. 8. 2000,  7:21 p.m. - IFR - virtually, vhat's happening

23. 8. 2000, before  - arrival, lodging, training tracking. In wiev is mr. Prochazka, mr. Picha and his brother in-low, mrs. Macku, mrs. Sebestova (SK) and my wife.  

22. 8. 2000, 8:39 a.m. - arrival to Diest, lodging

22. 8. 2000, 01:00 p.m. - our czech "RTW fittings" in composition of : Macku  Dagmar & Valmont Bohemia Ortles, Picha  Karel & Ax od Mutenickeho jezu, Prochazka  Hynek & Andy Gerix in escort of actions leader Ivo Prikryl is now preparing to department to Belgium.

sponzor of czech delegation:


Compile: Klementová Hana

Translation: Jana Kovaříková